Harrogate Homeless Project

HHP Awarded Lloyds Bank Foundation Funding

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HHP is delighted to be awarded a 2-year grant totalling £50,000 from the Lloyds Bank Foundation England & Wales, towards its development plans for the Springboard day centre, based at the Wesley Centre.

The £25,000 award each year will contribute to the expansion and improvement of the services currently provided at our day centre, Springboard.

The funding will help HHP increase the capacity of Springboard to host more organisations and extend the opening hours and expand the food service. Our strategic plan is to increase our impact by developing further therapeutic services and skills training to support our clients and help them access other services and providers. These services should be able to provide early support to people who are at risk of homelessness.

The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales partners with small and local charities who help people overcome complex social issues. Through funding for core costs, developmental support and influencing policy and practice, the Foundation helps charities make life-changing impact. The Foundation is an independent charitable trust funded by the profits of Lloyds Banking Group.

We still need to fundraise to cover the additional costs of opening for longer and expanding our services – please get in touch if you would like to support these new developments.

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The Hostel
Harrogate Homeless Project
7 Bower Street,

Lower Hall
Wesley Centre,
Oxford Street,